A lot of times, we talk about the health benefits of sex, the advantages like it lowers your blood pressure, that’s good sex though not just some lame sex, did you know it also helps reduce the risk of heart attack. There you are! One more reason why you need to have sex, to reduce the risk of heart attack.
Our recent article series on sex positions has also revealed that it can serve as exercise, so if you’re exercise shy, you can always count on some sexual position to help you out. During orgasm, there is a hormone named oxytocin a.k.a cuddle hormone that gushes into your system, it’s the one responsible for the joy and the general feel good sensation coursing throughout your body after good sex.
As interesting as the previous paragraph might be. Not every lady can have a fulfilling sex life. These can be due to several reasons such as personal decision informed by religion or spirituality, plain bad sex partners or whichever reason it might be. Ladies do also have dry periods of sex. While some people think if a guy doesn’t have sex for a while, his sperm might transform into tadpoles, which is totally false.
There are a few things that might happen if a lady stops having sex, especially with the sexual organ itself, the vagina.
1. Sex is painful!
Having sex for the first time or after a long period of time will be very distasteful, the pain can be severe. The most common side effect of a prolonged celibate stretch is painful intercourse, says Brett Worly,MD an ob-gyn at The Ohio State University’s Wexner Medical Center. Just as it hurts when you go for a run after a long stint of couch-potato-ing, you might feel some pain relieving a dry spell, “because your muscles aren’t used to having sex.”
The risk is even greater if your celibacy occurred because of something unpleasant, like an ugly breakup. “Psychological issues weighing on a person’s mind can cause pain, too,” says Worly. The cure: Lubrication (the bottled kind is fine if you’re not producing enough on your own), foreplay, and communication are imperative. Worly advises couples to start slowly, to “ensure there’s no pain, and that it feels good.” And if it starts to hurt, stop. Try again another time, using even more foreplay, and even more lube. Sex isn’t a no-pain/no-gain type of activity.
2. Vagina Lockdown

The better looking sister of Shutdown, vaginal pains can be very transient, its possible for it to be cured with a good measure of endurance, foreplay and lubrication. While unluckily in some cases the constriction of the vaginal muscle can be very bad that penetration is so tough even from a tampon or a finger. The condition is called Vaginismus, it can be an aftermath of rape or abuse.
If this happens to you, get help right away. “I recommend seeing a gynecologist to get a diagnosis and a recommendation for a pelvic-floor physical therapist,” says sex therapist Holly Richmond, PhD. She explains that the pelvic-floor physical therapist will put you through a series of gentle exercises. “The therapist will also prescribe a series of dilators to insert, gradually increasing in size.”
3. Gone Orgasm
Orgasms are so terrific but if you’ve stopped having orgasms for a long period of time, your body is wired in such a way that it stops asking for it. Some people might be happy with us because it helps their abstinence lifestyle, it will make you lose all the benefits that sex gives.
To get your groove back, Richmond advises a regular masturbation practice. See, masturbations isn’t as bad as people claim them to be. “Orgasms are just good,” she says. “By yourself or with a partner—your body will thank you for all the endorphins.”
“People who are comfortable masturbating tend to be more thoughtful and giving lovers,” Richmond says.
4. Vaginal atrophy
This would happen to folks who see sex as less important after they’re out of their childbearing years, but that’s not the case, people. The production of estrogen drops quickly during menopause. The vagina and vulva have more estrogen receptors than any other part of the body, says Barn DePree, MD. In post menopausal women, it’s “use it or lose it,” since an inactive sex life can spur vaginal atrophy. That means the walls of the vagina dry out and become thin, so they’re more apt to tear.
Like the other professionals consulted, DePree recommends that women who don’t have a partner practice self-love on the regular. And if there is a partner in the picture, get busy. How much sex is enough? “I have a 75-year-old patient who has sex two or three times a week,” says DePree.